Jamie Scott operates Kiddie Kompany Daycare; with a degree from Mary Baldwin University in Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary studies for Pre-K through 6th. She grew up at Kiddie Kompany studying from her grandmother Paula Propst, her whole academic and professional career. Jamie has a passion for working with children and developing strong minds. She uses a softer approach to learning making sure the needs of each child are met individually. She takes passion in knowing her school's children and their families. Jamie's philosophy takes a Montessori with a Kinesthetic approach. She values hands-on activities and encourages children to take a step back from technology.
Growing up in the childcare business Jamie has seen many children from all walks of life. She values her family, hard work, and giving back. Being in the childcare business is a way for her to give back daily. She looks forward to putting smiles on children's faces daily. Jamie takes pride in the privilege of caring for your children.
She values time with her family. Living on a small hobby farm in Louisa, she spends her time off working in the garden and teaching her family how to grow and nourish their bodies. She has lots of animals on her small farm, that have become part of her little family! She often will come to work and tell the children about her goats, pigs, and chickens. She loves being able to share this with the children.
Her passion for working with children comes from seeing how each student excels and learns every day. She loves getting to map the progress your child will make. And how she can involve nature and hands-on activities in their reach.
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